Tomatoes also known as Solanum Lycopercisum are cooked or can be eaten as raw.It is used for sauce preparation but did you know that it can also treat acne and can remove blackheads with a long time use of tomato juice.This is because they are rich in Vitamins A & C, which is why it is good to cure acne. By doing this, your not only saving money but you can also treat it in a natural way.
Tomatoes also contain lycopene which is good for the heart, can prevent cancer and the most powerful anti-oxidant. Lycopene can also help you protect your skin from harmful UV rays which can prevent sunburn.
Making your hair shine can be possible with the help of this amazing tomato. It can remove dandruff on your hair and restore the blond color. Just simply rub the tomatoes to your hair. Leave it for 20 minutes by using shower cap , rinse thoroughly and then shampoo.
Tomatoes have also the power to remove the foul odor of the container. Just pour a little amount of tomato juice, rub it by using the sponge. Then wash the container and apply dishwashing liquid .Dry well and leave it for a couple of days.